Remembering Rhonda with a Day of Giving

Sometimes, the worst thing you could imagine happening, does. Those of us who loved our late co-founder, Rhonda, understand that all too well. Just one year after she was diagnosed with mucinous ovarian cancer, we lost Rhonda suddenly and unexpectedly to complications related to her chemotherapy. That was just six weeks after her birthday—the official launch date of the Mucinous Ovarian Cancer Coalition/MOCC.

Rhonda was excited for MOCC to get to work. She knew creating an information-rich website would provide women with essential resources, which were more than difficult to come by when she was first diagnosed. Also a high priority for Rhonda was sending MOCC Cares packages. She would handpick all the items and write a personal note of encouragement to include in each box.

For Rhonda’s family and friends, however, the launch of MOCC was important for another reason:

It would provide an avenue for connecting with the scientific community.

Through MOCC grants, we hoped to fund research that would lead to a treatment to save Rhonda’s life. But that was not to be.

Turning Pain into Purpose

Since we lost Rhonda almost four years ago, we have tried to turn pain into purpose by continuing to grow this nonprofit organization. And grow we have!

  • As we celebrate Rhonda’s birthday, we are pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Anil Sood and Dr. Elaine Stur of the MD Anderson Cancer Center as the 2025 recipients of Rhonda’s Award

  • Equally exciting, we’ve already hit the $100,000 mark for funding research through Rhonda’s Award! Since Rhonda’s birthday in 2021, we have awarded grants to researchers at three leading institutions: the Peter MacCullum Cancer Centre in Victoria, Australia; the Dana-Farber Cancer Center; and now, the MD Anderson Cancer Center.

  • Just as Rhonda envisioned, our MOCC Cares packages are making a meaningful difference. They are currently sent to women at the time of their initial diagnosis or if they experience a recurrence, as well as at other times when they need a little extra support.

To meet our next goal, we need your help …

Fundraising to Make Information Easier to Access

Since our launch in September 2020, we have worked hard to make this website a place we humbly believe is the best online destination for connecting women with resources and specialists to help them in their fight against mucinous ovarian cancer. If you spend time exploring our site, you’ll discover it is packed with information—from contact details for gynecologic oncologists who offer second opinions (including remotely!) to a Resource Center and our MOCC Blog—and we’re continuously updating it.

But… the current MOCC website is built on a platform that has limited reach. 

Translation: Google just doesn’t like it. That means our terrific, much-needed resources aren’t easily found.

Over the next year, we’d like to change that. But to do so, we need your support.

Donate to MOCC on Rhonda's Birthday

We have declared Rhonda’s birthday, September 17, as the MOCC Day of Giving. Contributions we receive will be used to create a new website, one that will help women and their loved ones connect with us more quickly and easily. 

Here are the details:

  • You can make a tax-deductible donation online. It’s quick, safe, and easy to do!

  • If you prefer, you can mail your check to: Mucinous Ovarian Cancer Coalition/MOCC,
    7293 Hidden Valley Drive, Lambertville, MI 48144. 

  • As our way of saying “thank-you”, friends who donate $100 or more will receive our custom-designed “MOCC Support Squad” t-shirt.

To receive a T-shirt, we’ll need to your donation by September 21st.